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The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has been in existence since the 1960s.  This organization sets forth principles and guidelines for practitioners practicing environmental medicine as well as continuing education, political advocacy and accreditation.  Environmental Medicine attempts to uncover the relationship between a patient's environment and their ill health. The number of allergens in our environment are increasing with each potentially contributing to a patients total load of allergy. Chronic and often obscure health problems may result from low levels of numerous allergen exposures over time. Multiple chemical sensitivities require careful evaluation of a patients past medical history, community, home, hobbies, occupation, diet and medications. Environmental Medicine has been helping patients through provocation/neutralization for over 40 years.

Disclaimer: The information provided on the wellness-resource web page should be relied upon only as a source of general medical education. It is not intended to replace the independent judgment of a physician. The appropriate treatment for any particular patient may vary from the information provided here due to unknown factors that affect decisions about the best treatment for your particular condition. Your best source of information is always your personal physician.  © 2005